Category Air Purification

Articles associated with the importance and methods of purifying Indoor Air Quality for the maintenance of good family health.

7 Ways To Get Rid Of Weed Odor?

close shot of hands holding marijuana leaves in his both hands.
Weed smoke contains tiny particles that stick to indoor surfaces, creating a lingering odor. These particles come from burning weed, which releases chemicals into the air. Additionally, resin residue from weed smoke can coat surfaces, making the smell more stubborn.

What Causes Indoor Air Quality To Be Poor?

a couple wearing mask with banner in their hands, "how is the air quality in your home" is written on the banner.
The air in our homes can get dirty from things like dust and pet fur. It can also get dirty from mold, pollen, and chemicals from paint and cleaning stuff. It's important to find out where these things come from. You can manage dust and pet fur by cleaning and washing fabric items frequently.