Zeeshan Naveed

Zeeshan Naveed

What Causes Indoor Air Quality To Be Poor?

a couple wearing mask with banner in their hands, "how is the air quality in your home" is written on the banner.
The air in our homes can get dirty from things like dust and pet fur. It can also get dirty from mold, pollen, and chemicals from paint and cleaning stuff. It's important to find out where these things come from. You can manage dust and pet fur by cleaning and washing fabric items frequently.

How To Eliminate Dog Odor From House?

close shot of a dog face and family sitting on couch in background.
There are a variety of methods and products that professionals use to remediate pet odors. Some of the common approaches include enzymatic cleaners, ozone generators, hydroxyl generators, steam cleaners, activated charcoal, carpet cleaners with odor-eliminating solutions, air purifiers, UV lights, and sealants.

What Are Common Signs Of Mold on Walls?

close shot of a hand removing mold damaged paint from a wall.
Mold is like tiny living things we can't see with our eyes, and they love to live where it's damp. Imagine mold as little plants that grow on walls when it's wet. You might not see them, but they can make the air difficult to breathe. Mold can hide in walls, and sometimes it makes a funny smell, like old socks.