Zeeshan Naveed

Zeeshan Naveed

What Are The Health Risks Of Mold Exposure?

A person is coughing with their hands on their chest, while a zoomed-in circle shows mold on the wall. A hand wearing protective gloves is pointing at the mold on the wall.
Mold spreads through the air by releasing spores. These spores are very small and can be inhaled easily. Mold spores can also attach to clothing, shoes, and pets, spreading to other areas. Once the spores land on a damp surface, they can start to grow. This is why mold often appears in places with high humidity or water damage.

12 Signs You Need Mold Removal Services

A close-up shot of a hand wearing white gloves pointing to the corner of a house where mold is growing.
Mold can appear as spots on walls, ceilings, or floors. It can be black, green, white, or other colors. When you see mold, it's time to act. Mold grows fast and can spread quickly. Don't ignore it, you need professional mold remediation services in Indiana to remove it safely. Mold is a serious issue that can impact health and structural integrity.