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The Davis family has been servicing the Indiana community for over a decade

A Commitment to Excellence... From Our Family to Yours...

Call Pure Air Indiana for cleaning or remediation services in Indiana and Michigan

Pure Air Indiana is a family owned and operated business serving communities in Northern Indiana and Southwestern Michigan from Grainger, Indiana, and providing commercial and residential cleaning, mold and mildew testing and remediation, odor removal and a wide variety of services designed to provide your home or business with cleaner surfaces and purer air for yourself, your family, employees or clientele.

Pure Air Indiana recognizes that trust is crucial when it comes to choosing a cleaning service provider. As a reputable and reliable cleaning service we place a high value on establishing relationships with our clients. We know that you are entrusting the care of your homes or workplaces to us, relying on our integrity, professionalism, and confidential handling of your personal spaces. We know that the value of that trust lies in your knowing that Pure Air Indiana will consistently deliver on our promises, maintain the safety and security of your premises, respect your privacy, and complete our assigned tasks with utmost efficiency and quality. We promise to bring peace of mind, enabling you and yours to focus on other important aspects of your lives or businesses without concern.

"we are absolutely committed to delivering exceptional customer service, an unmatched level of professionalism, and consistency of reliability.'

Call Pure Air Indiana for cleaning or remediation services in Indiana and Michigan
To Contact Us By Phone:

You may call 574-855-8536

from 8:00am to 5:00pm Monday-Friday

To Contact Us By Email:

You may write

and we'll get back to you during the next business day.

To Contact Us By U.S. Mail:

You may write (or remit payments to)

P.O. Box 1020

Granger, Indiana 46530

Contacting Pure Air Indiana for Cleaning or Remediation Services

Contacting Pure Air Indiana

To contact us by phone, please call 574-855-8536

To contact us by email, please go Use This Email Address.

To contact us by U.S. Mail, please write to us at:

Pure Air Indiana P.O. Box 1020 Granger, Indiana 46530

Pure Air Indiana is a family owned and operated business serving communities in Northern Indiana and Southwestern Michigan from Granger, Indiana, and providing commercial and residential cleaning, mold and mildew testing and remediation, odor removal and a wide variety of services designed to provide your home or business with cleaner surfaces and purer air for yourself, your family, employees or clientele.